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        簡要描述:Handheld Spectrum Analyzer delivers the highest continuous frequency coverage up to 54 GHz and real-time spectrum analysis bandwidth up to 110 MHz to address current and emerging applications


        產品型號: MS2090A





        頻率范圍:9 kHz ~ 9/14/20/26.5/32/43.5/54 GHz

        Field Master Pro MS2090A具有從9 kHz到54 GHz的連續頻率覆蓋范圍,專門設計用于應對當今使用的其他各種無線技術的測試挑戰,這些技術包括:5G,LTE,無線回傳,航空航天/國防,衛星系統。

        Field Master Pro MS2090A 是一款手持式觸摸屏頻譜分析儀,可提供的射頻性能;該設備的顯示平均噪聲電平 (DANL) 為 -164 dBm,三階交調 (TOI) 為 +20 dBm(典型值)。該設備可使頻譜清理、無線電調準、諧波和失真等測量比以往更準確。對于在數字系統上進行調制測量,110 MHz 的調制帶寬及業界相噪性能可地提高測量精度,同時 ±0.5 dB 的典型振幅精度可讓您信心十足地測試發射器功率和雜波。

        針對現場使用進行了加固處理,所有版本均配有各種用于加速和簡化測量以及提高可用性的功能。20 MHz(標準)~ 110 MHz(可選)的 RTSA 范圍使蜂窩干擾監控能夠執行全 ISM 頻帶信號分析。除了作為全范圍掃描調節頻譜分析儀外,所有版本均配有頻譜圖顯示器,有助于監控射頻頻譜的間歇或干擾信號。集成式信道功率和占用帶寬測量可簡化常用無線電傳輸的測量和特征識別。5G 幀的 IQ 數據采集功能可采集和保存 IQ 數據,以便利用標準數據分析工具在計算機上進行離線處理。

        2000-1985-R Isotropic EMF Probe for use with Option 445

        The 2000-1985-R Isotropic EMF Probe, in conjunction with MS2090A Option 445 EMF Meter, offers a broadband EMF measurement from 20 MHz to 40 GHz with excellent accuracy and speed. Simply connect the probe to a USB port on the Field Master Pro, open the EMF Meter application (requires Option 445) and easily measure the EMF energy as a percentage of FCC public, FCC technician, ICNIRP public, or ICNIRP public limits.

        MS2090A EMF 2000-1985-R

        PC based IQ analysis software for use with IQ data captured from a Remote Spectrum Analyzer

        IQ Signal Master MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis Software provides a comprehensive suite of measurements that deliver post processing and analysis of IQ data files captured on the Field Master Pro spectrum analyzers. The software is designed to bring together all the essential tools required to capture IQ data files and then gain critical insights into the nature of the captured signals. Modes within the application, support the ability to capture or stream IQ data into the PC memory, perform modulation quality measurements, playback IQ data with high frequency and time resolution, view LTE and 5G frame resource blocks and playback IQ spectrograms from up to four analyzers in parallel.

        A file conversion mode allows IQ data captured on the supported analyzers to be converted to the format required for playback using a Vector Signal Generator MG3710E further enhancing the overall capability.

        The software is designed for national RF spectrum regulators, security agencies and defense electronics companies who need to gain critical insight into RF signals that have been captured in the field. It is also suitable for organizations that need to monitor and protect RF spectrum from unlicensed operators or unintended sources of interference

        IQ Signal Master MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis Software

        IQ Data can be captured or streamed to a PC via USB, Ethernet, or PCIe interface using the MA25101A IQ Streaming PCIe kit.

        PCIE streaming kit

        MA25424A IQ Data Converter is required in order to stream data from the Field Master Pro MS2090A spectrum analyzer to the Bird IQC5000B RF record and playback system.

        MA25424A IQ Converter Box


        The 5G Evolution of Indoor Wireless Networks for Smart Buildings and Manufacturing Facilities

        5G technology has introduced some exciting possibilities for in-building functions. The “smart” buildings and manufacturing facilities of tomorrow will include new functions such as IoT, factory automation, machine learning devices, and cloud compute applications. To handle these new features, network architectures will change, frequency bands will be added, and new network features will be introduced. In this webinar, we will examine how the indoor wireless networks will evolve as we move to 5G, and the challenges in managing these complex networks to ensure performance and reliability for both commercial as well as the public safety networks.

        Understanding Real-Time Spectrum Analysis

        Real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) provides signal insight previously only available in high-end lab and benchtop solutions. RTSA allows gapless capture and display of rapidly changing and highly intermittent signals. The digital nature of RTSA also makes a variety of analysis and display technologies possible that traditionally required multiple hardware platforms.


        Field Master Pro MS2090A 是一款手持式射頻頻譜分析儀,可提供的工作性能,為現場工程師和技術人員帶來之前于臺式設備的的測量精度。

      1. 5GNR 基站測量 – 利用符合 3GPP TS 38.104 V15 的基本測量參數驗證 gNB 基站的性能,包括:

      2. LTE and 5G coverage mapping–– receive a clear representation of the signal strength of 5G transmitters over intended geographic area by continuously measuring RF data – including 5G channel power, EIRP, or RSRP – with results graphically displayed on a digital map or building floor plan.

      3. Cable and Antenna measurements–– Line sweep RF cables and antennas at base station locations with accessory S331P Site Master
      4. 規格
        頻率范圍 MS2090A-0709 9 kHz ~ 9 GHz
        MS2090A-0714 9 kHz ~ 14 GHz
        MS2090A-0720 9 kHz ~ 20 GHz
        MS2090A-0726 9 kHz ~ 26.5 GHz
        MS2090A-0732 9 kHz ~ 32 GHz
        MS2090A-0743 9 kHz ~ 43.5 GHz
        MS2090A-0754 9 kHz ~ 54 GHz
        DANL(帶前置放大器) -164 dBm
        TOI +20 dBm
        分析帶寬 110 MHz
        解調 5GNR, LTE FDD, RF, and modulation quality plus SSB signal analysis
        振幅范圍 DANL ~ +30 dBm
        1 GHz 下的相噪 -110 dBc/Hz,100 kHz 偏差(典型值)
        分辨率帶寬 (RBW) 1 Hz ~ 10 MHz
        輸入 SWR 1.5
        振幅精度 < 14 GHz ±1.3 dB(±0.5 dB,典型值)
        RTSA 帶寬 22, 55, 110 MHz (option dependent)
        選項 描述
        MS2090A-0709 9 kHz ~ 9 GHz
        MS2090A-0714 9 kHz ~ 14 GHz
        MS2090A-0720 9 kHz ~ 20 GHz
        MS2090A-0726 9 kHz ~ 26.5 GHz
        MS2090A-0732 9 kHz ~ 32 GHz
        MS2090A-0743 9 kHz ~ 43.5 GHz
        MS2090A-0754 9 kHz ~ 54 GHz
        MS2090A-0006 Remove Wi-Fi
        MS2090A-0019 High Accuracy Power Meter
        MS2090A-0024* Interference Finder (Option 31 and directional antenna recommended, sold separately)
        MS2090A-0090* Gated Sweep
        MS2090A-0031* GPS 接收器(需要 GPS 天線,單獨出售)
        MS2090A-0089* Zero span IF output
        MS2090A-0103* 55 MHz 分析帶寬
        MS2090A-0104* 110 MHz 分析帶寬
        MS2090A-0124* IQ Waveform Capture
        MS2090A-0125* IQ Waveform Streaming (requires option 124)
        MS2090A-0126* IQ Waveform Capture (non export controlled)
        MS2090A-0127* IQ Waveform Streaming (non export controlled)
        MS2090A-0128* Vector Signal Analysis Enabled (requires option 124 or 126)
        MS2090A-0199* 實時頻譜分析儀
        MS2090A-0331* S331P support
        MS2090A-0400* Vision Monitor Enabled
        Vision Locate (requires option MS2090A-0400)
        MS2090A-0407* High-Speed Port Scanner
        MS2090A-0421* Pulse Analyzer
        MS2090A-0431* Coverage Mapping (requires GPS option MS2090A-0031)
        MS2090A-0444* EMF Measurement (SPA mode, frequency selective; requires Anritsu Isotropic Antenna)
        MS2090A-0445* EMF Meter Enabled (Broadband EMF measurements from 20 MHz to 40 GHz with the 2000-1985-R Isotropic EMF Probe)
        MS2090A-0509* AM/FM Modulation measurements
        MS2090A-0883* LTE FDD Measurements (requires Option 31)
        MS2090A-0888* 5G NR 下行鏈路測量(需要選項 31)
        MS2090A-xxxx-097 符合 ISO17025 和 ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 的認可校準(xxxx 是頻率選項編號)
        MS2090A-xxxx-098 符合 ISO17025 和 ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 的標準校準(xxxx 是頻率選項編號)
        MS2090A-xxxx-099 符合 ISO17025、ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 及測試數據的高級校準(xxxx 是頻率選項編號)

        * Timed-Limited Options: Options marked with an asterisk are offered as a 90-day time limited option by ordering as a -9xxx series option. For example, MS2090A-9888 is the 90-day time limited option for 5GNR FDD/TDD Measurements. The option start time begins when the user first activates the option.


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